Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is how Leo sits in the stroller 翔翔的坐相

I enjoy watching Dora in this posture.好喜歡這台大車喔,可以任意變換姿勢. 謝謝大姑丈!!

Future Olympics Gymnastics contestant.. 未來的奧運體操選手...

Mommy bought this to carry me whenever we go out for travelling. 唉,這種車好難放腳喔.勉強靠一下...

Leo and Hao-Wen 翔翔和浩文哥哥

Hao-Wen is a prematured baby and was supposed to be younger but anyhow he turned out to be 2 days older than Leo. Currently Leo is 2 kg more than him.
翔翔和浩文生日只差二天,爸爸和浩文的爸爸生日也差兩天,真是好巧. 浩文是早產兒,出生才1.3kg,在爸爸兒科那裡照顧,但現也被他爸爸媽媽養得白白胖胖,已經7kg 了,和翔翔有得比喔.對了,他們倆現體重也差2kg喔..haha..

This car seems to be crowded for two babies.

Went out with pastor Yek's family to the dragon fruit farm.

Hao-Wen's first time to swim.
Leo: 哎,那不是我的泳圈嗎?

In Hao-Wen's house for dinner.
浩文: 咦,那好像是我最愛的學步車耶.小心一點不要壓壞嘞..

Ambitious Leo-8 month 翔翔8個月開始站囉

Leo is almost 8 months after 2 days. He is so eager to walk, though he hasn't learned how to crawl yet. 聽爸爸說他們家族的baby都不喜歡爬,都是直接站起來走的.果然,翔翔有遺傳到爸爸喔.p.s.翔翔到現在都還不會爬說.