Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Leo is going to be 1 yr old next month!Leo 要1歲囉!

Hi, this is Leo, I am 11 mo+ and can do 會的東西有:
1.拍手 clap hands
2.再見 say goodbye
3.恭喜 Gong Xi
4.心情好時會跟人打招呼Give me five
5.上下床 get up and off bed
6.倒立 upside down

7.爬樓梯 climb the stairs

8.游泳(蛙式) swimming(brest stroke)

9.看完一整片dora dvd(4集)finish watching dora the explorer -4 episodes

10.自己用叉子叉水果吃 i can use fork
11.丟球給媽媽 cast balls
12.自己刷牙 brush teeth

13.拿蠟筆or水彩亂畫 i can use crayons or water color

14.把收好的衣服從衣櫃丟出來 mess up the closet

15.玩keyboard.亂打亂按. play keyboard
16.媽媽叫會爬過來 will respond to mum's calling
i get really angry whenever daddy asks me to sit on baby seat
18.喜歡吃冰淇淋和酸的東西(eg:檸檬片or葡萄柚) i love ice cream and anything sourty
my favorate activity is to snatch daddy's steering wheel

20.每天下午我都會坐在門口期待daddy下班. I love daddy!
every evening i wait daddy in the corridor